
Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Value of Each Part

Quincy will be starting  at BYU this fall.  She is like so many other young and hopeful Freshmen.  Her last year of high school was full of parties, dances, tests and triumphs.  Life has been pretty good for this young woman and as a result, her prospects for a successful career as an undergraduate are very high.  She is sure to be an asset to her new ward and the college of her choice.

Quincy will also bring one more thing to her BYU experience that others might be lacking.  She will bring humility.  For the last several weeks, I have been following her adventures as she and her mother have volunteered in a leprosy colony in India. Their most recent blog included pictures of  those who are affected by this disease, and among them is a picture of Quincy gently holding hands with a woman who had most of her fingers deformed and missing as a result of this horrid disease.

Quincy was in charge of bandage removal. 
This can be  a smelly and very shocking as
to how bad the wound has been since the
last bandage change.  She was very good at
taking on this job and was so good with these 
                elderly patients.  She has a tender spot for this age group                        

One of our challenges as alumni, is to find ways of mentoring and supporting this new generation of BYU students.  How many of us came to the university with the vision that this girl will bring?.  Along with the memories of popularity will come vivid understandings of the parables of our Savior.  At 18, she has walked among those who have been the most needy and the most neglected; those with whom the God of this Earth walked during his mortal experience.

The prophet Joseph Smith taught about the importance of understanding  about leadership and lepers:

"The cause of God is one common cause, in which the Saints are alike all interested;  we are all members of the one common body, and all partake of the same spirit, and are baptized into one baptism and process alike the same glorious hope.  The advancement of the cause of God and the building up of Zion is as much one man's business as another's.  The only difference is, that one is called to fulfill one duty, and another another duty; 'but if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, and if one member is honored all the rest rejoice with it, and the eye cannot say to the ear, I have no need of thee, nor the head to the foot, I have no need of thee;' party feelings, separate interests, exclusive designs should be lost sight of in the one common cause, in the interest of the whole." (Smith, Joseph Feilding. ed. The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Deseret Book. 1976. pg 231)

1 comment:

  1. This post brought tears to my eyes. It was well written. Once your heart is open you can help anyone no matter what their ailment is. This is what I have learned as I have worked alongside my daughter with people who live daily in a great amount of pain. Thank you for writing these words and touching my heart, Cynthia.
