Picture of Harold B. Lee provided by LDS.org |
Life can be tough. Though we all have our various trials, they are easier to accept if we understand that they have a purpose. This quote from President Harold B. Lee, reminds us that when we are required to sacrifice, there is usually a blessing attached. When we look for that hidden blessing, it invites the Spirit into our lives and makes our burden seem lighter.
" Our greatest joy comes by going beyond the call of duty. That man who is ambitious for personal gain and personal advantage is never a happy man, for before him always are the receding horizons of life that will ever mock his attempts at acquisition and conquest. That man who serves unselfishly is the man who is the happy man.
In the military service there were awarded oftentimes for outstanding accomplishment national decorations and certificates of merit, and always with the citation were these suggestive words: "For meritorious service beyond the call of duty."
Therein lies the way by which we, too , can reach the highest goals and win the merited plaudits of our Heavenly Father. That which we do beyond the call of duty, beyond that for which we are compensated by material wealth is that which gives us the greatest joy in life.
As I look at the experiences of our brethren and hear their testimonies, I become persuaded of one great truth: Whenever the Lord has a great blessing for one of His children, He puts that son or daughter in the way to make a great sacrifice. (Clyde J. Williams. ed. The Teachings of Harold B. Lee. Bookcraft. pg 176)
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