This quote caused me to raise an eye. I've seen some good intending people fail to make their projects a success, but never could put my finger on what they were doing wrong. Elder Neal A. Maxwell, shows us that human nature can sometimes really get in the way of getting the job done. The following is his list of reasons why leaders fail to delegate:
Elder Neal A. Maxwell |
"1. We would really rather do it ourselves.
2. We are not really willing to use our time and talents in order to train others so they can help.
3. We dislike asking others to help, forgetting that receiving help is as much a part of the gospel as giving help.
4. We like to feel a bit harried because it gives us a false sense of being noble.
5. We say we are concerned about 'quality control' if the task is delegated, and sometimes there is good reason for the concern; other times, however, we actually worry not about tasks being done poorly, but too well."
( The Church Education System. Principles of Leadership Teachers Manual Religion 180R. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City. 2001 pg. 94)
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